Available irises

You can open thumb­nails of avai­la­ble iri­ses by clic­king on dif­fe­rent iris clas­ses:

  Tall bear­ded iri­ses (TB)  New 

  Newe­st tall bear­ded iri­ses (TB)  New 

  Bor­der bear­ded iri­ses (BB)

  In­ter­me­dia­te bear­ded iri­ses (IB)

  Mi­nia­tu­re tall bear­ded iri­ses (MTB)

  Stan­dard dwarf bear­ded iri­ses (SDB)

  Mi­nia­tu­re dwarf bear­ded iri­ses (MDB)

  Aril­breds (AB)

  Spe­cies iri­ses (SPEC)

  Na­me­less iri­ses (NOID)

  Re­bloo­ming iri­ses

  Bo­nus iri­ses

Classes of bearded irises

Then if you click on thumb­nail, you can open iris sheet, whe­re you will find the fol­lo­wing pie­ces of in­for­ma­tion:

  Iris na­me
  Hy­bri­di­ze­r’s na­me
  Year of re­gi­stra­tion
 Iris class
 Bloo­ming sea­son
  Height in cen­ti­me­ters
  Ar­ti­cle num­ber
  Re­bloo­ming ha­bi­ts

Click on the pic­tu­re to open the pa­ge of AIS Iris En­cy­clo­pe­dia de­di­ca­ted to that va­rie­ty.

In mo­st ca­ses you will find a gal­le­ry of pic­tu­res of the sa­me va­rie­ty, which we­re ta­ken on my hill.

If you are in­te­re­sted in so­me avai­la­ble iri­ses, re­fer to “Con­tac­ts” pa­ge, so we can agree ex­chan­ge or sa­le de­tails, or con­tact me by Mes­sen­ger thou­gh my Fa­ce­book pa­ge “La Col­li­na del­le Iris”.

If an iris is no lon­ger avai­la­ble, “Sold Out” will be writ­ten on the pic­tu­re.

Few rhi­zo­mes per va­rie­ty are avai­la­ble, so it is bet­ter to re­ser­ve them as soon as pos­si­ble, then they will be ship­ped from mid-Ju­ly to mid-Oc­to­ber (end of Sep­tem­ber for nor­thern coun­tries). To re­ser­ve them it is ne­ces­sa­ry to gi­ve a Wha­tsApp pho­ne num­ber.

How to submit your irises for exchange

Iri­ses can be swap­ped for re­gi­ste­red va­rie­ties on­ly. In or­der to sub­mit your iri­ses for ex­chan­ge you ha­ve to send a pic­tu­re (ta­ken by you and not from In­ter­net) and to spe­ci­fy iris na­me by one of the me­thods li­sted in the pa­ge “Con­tac­ts”.

The iri­ses will be ship­ped in the pe­riod men­tio­ned abo­ve and each sen­der will pay his/her own shi­p­ment ex­pen­ses.

How to purchase the irises you like

Iri­ses can be re­ser­ved at any ti­me till the end of Sep­tem­ber (pri­ces will be com­mu­ni­ca­ted by pri­va­te mes­sa­ge on­ly). Then they will be ship­ped, when you pre­fer, from mid-Ju­ly to mid-Oc­to­ber (end of Sep­tem­ber for nor­thern coun­tries). Pay­ment mu­st be ma­de in ad­van­ce by bank trans­fer or Pay­pal (fees will be cal­cu­la­ted ba­sed on pur­cha­sed rhi­zo­mes).

Shi­p­ment ex­pen­ses abroad de­pend upon quan­ti­ty of pur­cha­sed rhi­zo­mes and de­sti­na­tion coun­try, and will be esti­ma­ted af­ter rhi­zo­me re­ser­va­tion and com­mu­ni­ca­ted along with or­der con­fir­ma­tion. Pre­ci­se ship­ping pri­ce will be com­mu­ni­ca­ted along with pay­ment re­min­der, which will be sent you 14 days be­fo­re shi­p­ment. Shi­p­ment is al­ways tra­cea­ble. If you pre­fer, you can or­ga­ni­se the shi­p­ment on your own, and ha­ve the par­cel col­lec­ted at “La Col­li­na del­le Iris”.

Eve­ry 5 rhi­zo­mes you are en­ti­tled to re­cei­ve 1 bo­nus rhi­zo­me (of sa­me or equi­va­lent class). You can choo­se the one(s) you li­ke among the “Bo­nus iri­ses”.

Further information

Be­st pe­riod for dig­ging-out, di­vi­ding and re­plan­ting iri­ses is Au­gu­st, but that can be do­ne star­ting from mid-Ju­ly to mid-Oc­to­ber (end of Sep­tem­ber for nor­thern coun­tries).

The­re­fo­re rhi­zo­mes by “La Col­li­na del­le Iris” will be avai­la­ble till mid-Oc­to­ber, then they will be re­plan­ted or other­wi­se used.