Louisiana irises

Loui­sia­nas Iri­ses (ab­bre­via­tion: LA) are so cal­led be­cau­se the lar­ge di­ver­si­ty pre­sent in that sta­te. They can be gro­wn al­mo­st any­whe­re pro­vi­ded a few ea­sy re­qui­re­men­ts for cul­ti­va­tion are met. The blooms are among the mo­st spec­ta­cu­lar and usual­ly ha­ve ve­ry wi­de and open pe­tals, which show brightly co­lo­red sty­le-arms and sharp si­gnal-crests.

He­re you will find all va­rie­ties gro­wn on my hill, but not all are avai­la­ble for ex­chan­ge and/or sa­le. To swap and/or buy your fa­vou­ri­te va­rie­ties, see Avai­la­ble iri­ses.

Click on thumb­nails to open iris sheet, whe­re you will find fur­ther in­for­ma­tion about se­lec­ted va­rie­ty.