Species irises and hybrids

Spe­cies are world wil­d­flo­wers. This class (ab­bre­via­tion: SPEC) in­clu­des all bo­ta­ni­cal spe­cies in the ge­nus iris, whe­reas spe­cies hy­brids (ab­bre­via­tion: SPX) is a hor­ti­cul­tu­ral class for hy­brids. All the hy­brid clas­ses, such as tall bear­ded iri­ses, and stan­dard dwarfs, had their be­gin­nings in tho­se fir­st cros­ses bet­ween two spe­cies.

He­re you will find all va­rie­ties gro­wn on my hill, but not all are avai­la­ble for ex­chan­ge and/or sa­le. To swap and/or buy your fa­vou­ri­te va­rie­ties, see Avai­la­ble iri­ses.

Click on thumb­nails to open iris sheet, whe­re you will find fur­ther in­for­ma­tion about se­lec­ted va­rie­ty.