Standard dwarf bearded irises M‑R

Stan­dard dwarf bear­ded iri­ses (ab­bre­via­tion SDB) ran­ge in height from 20 cm (8 in­ches) to 41 cm (16 in­ches), and be­gin their bloom as the mi­nia­tu­re dwarf bear­ded iri­ses are en­ding, still qui­te ear­ly in the iris sea­son. They are be­st di­splayed in clumps, whe­re they gi­ve the ef­fect of a “cu­shion” of in­di­vi­dual blooms. The co­lors are near­ly un­li­mi­ted sin­ce the SDBs show all the dif­fe­rent pat­terns of the mi­nia­tu­re ones as well as tho­se seen in the tall bear­ded iri­ses.

He­re you will find all va­rie­ties gro­wn on my hill, but not all are avai­la­ble for ex­chan­ge and/or sa­le. To swap and/or buy your fa­vou­ri­te va­rie­ties, see Avai­la­ble iri­ses.

Click on thumb­nails to open iris sheet, whe­re you will find fur­ther in­for­ma­tion about se­lec­ted va­rie­ty.

A‑D E‑L ☆M‑R☆ S‑Z